Your Situationship has had you hung up long enough.

Sis, it's time to choose YOU.

You probably read my devotional, "If He Wanted to He Would" are now awakened to the reality that you've been settling for breadcrumbs.

Maybe it was a situationship & he was stringing you along, promising marriage & a house with a white picket fence.

Or maybe you just realllllyyyyy liked him & realllyyyyy believed he liked you back & was just waiting on Gods timing to ask you out.

Whatever your story is, it's time to turn the page & choose to end this toxic love pattern that's keeping you in deadend relationships/fantasies.

You desire a relationship where someone chooses you back with the exact same passion & pursuit that you choose him.


Not too long ago I was in your shoes, until I had my own wake up call & said "BOY BYE" to my situationship. Then 7 months later Mr. Cody Cottle walked into my life & made me his wife.

This man straight up FLEW ME TO AN ISLAND IN HAWAII to have my DREAM WEDDING 🤯 (my situationship wouldn't even pick me up from the airport)

Sis, let this be a testiment to you that IF HE WON'T, ANOTHER MAN WILL 👏

That's why I created this mini-course to help you break free from toxic love patterns, situationships, & fantasies when the man who sees your true value comes into your life, you'll recognize him right away.


  • Recognize the signs that a man is not putting in the effort

  • Learn how it's not about "attracting" the right man

  • Discover the power of re-wiring what you're attracted to

  • Find the confidence to end your situationship

  • Expose limiting beliefs about yourself & your future relationships

  • Learn what true pursuit looks like & commit to not settling for less

For more from my books/collections go to