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If you're single, you should

be celebrating.

Don't take it from me, read a real

review from one of my readers:


"It scratches that "travel memoir/ journey of discovery and a full life" kind of itch that I have had for the last few months, AND Esther unpacks many of the harmful lies and half-truths about singleness, marriage, and God's will along the way. She has a unique, fun-loving voice, and a way of writing that makes you want to be her best friend. I am sad that I don't have my own Bungalow Babes group to have adventures with!!...There were so many segments that felt like something from MY life, and seeing it through Esther's eyes gave me more perspective than I could have conjured on my own!"

-Heather via

Join over 325,000 others experiencing healthier relationships with God, themselves, and others.


⚠️Warning: reading ahead will result in significant positive impact in making your romantic life not suck⚠️

Single Shouldn't Suck


Fall in love with YOU.

  • Uncover limiting beliefs that are hindering love

  • Demystify the myths of 'Purity Culture'

  • Awaken to adventure

  • Reconcile your beliefs about 'the one'

  • Learn to love the life in front of you

$22.99 $16.99

Single Shouldn't Suck Course

*coming soon

Live your best story.

  • Dive deeper into your self-discovery

  • Experience consistent contentment

  • Navigate hard-pressing questions like, "Why am I still single?"

  • Confront mis-beliefs about "The one"

  • Establish a healthy theological foundation for waiting well

365 Singles Adventure

Digital Guide

Instant contentment.

  • 365 wild & fun adventures

  • 6 diverse categories to explore: Outdoor, World Changing, Self-Discovery, Travel, Health & Wellness, Spiritual Growth

  • Find community in places of common interest

  • Experience fulfilling moments

$19.99 $9.99


If He Wanted To He Would Book

*coming soon

Over 124,000 Downloads

on YouVersion plan

Take a peek at the chapters:

  1. The ‘Situationship’

  2. He’s like, totally into me

  3. He’s praying about dating me

  4. He just doesn’t like “titles”

  5. He’s waiting for the right time

  6. He doesn’t want to rush it 

  7. He just doesn’t want to get hurt again 

  8. He doesn’t want to ruin our friendship

If He Wanted to He Would

Mini Course

Break toxic love patterns.

  • Identify insecurities keeping you bound to your situationship

  • End emotional/physical toxic love patterns

  • Wake up from the fantasy of your hopeless romantic dreams

  • Learn how to re-wire your attraction

  • Find confidence to break off your situationship

  • Learn what Godly pursuit looks like

$97.99 $87.99

Breakup with Heartbreak e-book

*Coming soon

Heal the right way.

  • Grow through your pain

  • Heal from past hurt

  • Discover actionable steps to take to start over again

  • Break the broken record of sad songs in your head

  • Find freedom from haunting thoughts of past relationships

  • Get over your Ex so you can move on

Self development is the new sexy.

Become who God created you to be & experience fulfillment in every season.

Esther Marie's resources help you:

  • Feel excited about your future

  • Find new ways to grow in community

  • Break toxic love cycles

  • Resolve pain of not feeling pursued

  • Find confidence to date with healthy intentions

  • Heal from misbeliefs taught by purity culture

  • Find hope to dream again

  • Re-connect with your faith by uncomplicating Biblical truths

Join 325,000+ others finding fulfillment in singleness.


Hey guess what?! I'm married now 🥺 I know, totally crazy! When I started my brand 3 years ago I was president of the "Single For Life" club & bachelor 'till the rapture. And then, one fateful Valentines day in 2022, I met Mr. Cody Cottle who swooped me away to Hawaii & gave me his last name (not all on the same day, but you get the picture.)

Over the years my brand has grown into a hub for singles searching for significance & guidance in their season. Since I was single for 31 years & confident I'd be a virgin until my last dying breath 🤣, I kinda get the whole cringe factor when the non-single folk attempt to give well meaning advice that unfortunately doesn't translate over into relatable & applicable wisdom for modern day dating.

I also lived through the purity culture movement & still somehow came out unscathed 🤔 There were a lot of well-meaning people whose message on singleness, sex, and dating, well quite honestly sucked. So I decided to write a book to fill in the gaps for what I saw missing. At the time, I was 23 years old (10 years ago 🤯) but I was determined to change the narrative for singles around the world & inspire a life of adventure along the journey-- the life I truly believe God created us to live (not as a consolation prize in replace of marriage, but a fulfilling season all of it's own)!

I live in sunny San Diego with my husband & husky where you can catch us surfing on the weekends or hustling the local coffee shops for the best Mocha in town.




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The book every single

person is talking about.

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